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The Impact of Innovation Climate and Innovation Performance of R&D Personnel in High Tech Enterprises in Shanghai

Wenzhe Wu

Asia Metropolitan University, Malaysia.

*Corresponding author: Wenzhe Wu

Published: 22 December 2022 How to cite this paper


In view of the differences in the past regarding the impact and role of innovation support and resource supply dimensions in the innovation climate on the innovation performance of R&D personnel, this study focuses on the heterogeneity of enterprise R&D personnel, builds a structural equation model of the relationship between innovation climate, network embeddedness and innovation performance based on the perspective of network embeddedness, and discusses the internal mechanism of innovation climate and the innovation performance of enterprise R&D personnel, as well as the innovation climate The impact of network embedding on R&D personnel's innovation performance. In this paper, we use the mature scales at home and abroad to design the questionnaire of related variables, take 321 valid questionnaires of enterprise R&D personnel as samples, and use SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 21.0 for data analysis and hypothesis testing. The empirical results show that in the two dimensional structure of innovation climate, innovation support has a significant positive impact on innovation performance, while resource supply has no significant impact on innovation performance; Innovation atmosphere has a significant positive impact on network embedding; Structural embeddedness has a positive impact on process performance and outcome performance, while relational embeddedness only has a positive impact on process performance and has no significant impact on outcome performance; Network embeddedness plays a completely intermediary role between innovation atmosphere and innovation performance of R&D personnel.

KEYWORDS: Innovative Atmosphere, Network Embedding, Innovation Performance, R&D Personnel


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How to cite this paper

Wenzhe Wu. The Impact of Innovation Climate and Innovation Performance of R&D Personnel in High Tech Enterprises in Shanghai. OA Journal of Economy and Management, 2022, 1(3), 163-167.

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